Articles by Jonathan Winters
Cloud or On-Premise: Which is Right for Your Email?
Lets walk you through a few reasons why one solution may be better for you and your business.
SMTP Relay Service or Dedicated IP—Which is best?
Let's talk about the pros and cons of do-it-yourself vs. outsourcing your email and your email reputation.
Feature Highlight: Uncover ISP Insights with Dynamic Delivery Statistics
GreenArrow has a long history of providing important and valuable data about how your email campaign performs and how to…
Feature Highlight: Manage Everything with GreenArrow’s Unified Configuration File
Our development team is continually working on improving GreenArrow and pushing out new features. But sometimes those features are so…
Feature Highlight: Advanced Segmentation in GreenArrow Studio
GreenArrow Studio is full of features that make it easy to create and send emails and then see how the…
Managing Disk Space On Your On-Premises GreenArrow Installation
I have mentioned a few times in this series the importance of tracking disk space usage as part of your…
Three Server Management Tools You Hope You Never Need
In a perfect world, my job would rarely require emergency support for critical failures. These events cause downtime and expose…
Maintaining Your Email Server in 30 Minutes a Month
In our first blog post of the Managing GreenArrow series, we covered some of the essential management tasks for your…
Six Essentials for Managing Your On-Premises Email Server
My name is Jonathan Winters, Lead Support Specialist here at GreenArrow.
Email Domains and Deliverability: How Setup Affects Your Sending
Hammering Out Which Domain To Use When sending email, domains are a crucial part of how people remember and experience…
Four Ways Routing Rules Will Redefine Your Email Sending
What’s a Routing Rule? If you send email using VirtualMTAs (which allow senders to send email from multiple IP addresses), you…
Advanced Email Throttling: Three Essential Tools for Sending Success
Ready for the spotlight? Even though I’ve been playing for several years now, I’m still pretty much a novice whose…
Email Throttling Basics: What You Need to Know
One of my favorite hobbies is practicing the banjo. And while my wife is a good sport about it, there’s…
Six Ways to Make Switching Email Software Easier
Ever feel stuck? Like you’re on autoplay? Me too. Sometimes when I’m comfortable in the recliner and watching a cliffhanger…
Six Essential Email Tools to Make Your Work Easier
Discover tools our support team says: ‘you shouldn’t go without.’ Over the past 5+ years working at GreenArrow, I’ve had…