Category: Email Explained
What is DKIM? An Intro, Check-up & List of Benefits
Digital signatures are everywhere. Gone are the medieval days of quill pens and wax seals (unless you’re a Game Of…
What Is a Bounce Processor, and Why Does It Matter?
I love eggs. Fried, scrambled, poached, or boiled, they’re one of my favorite foods. But as we all know, eggs…
Advanced Email Throttling: Three Essential Tools for Sending Success
Ready for the spotlight? Even though I’ve been playing for several years now, I’m still pretty much a novice whose…
What SMTP Replies & Enhanced Status Codes Mean (& Why You Should Care)
It’s that time of year again. That time where you may not be fully listening to your accountant. Sure, you can see…
Email Injection Speed vs. Delivery Speed: Which One Is Slowing You Down?
Email is complicated. If you’re an email marketer or have worked with email servers, you already know that sending email…
Email Feedback Loops: What Are They & How To Use Them
Are You “Out of the Loop”? Ever heard the phrase, “Out of the loop?” It means a critical piece of…
Explain the DMARC, Hold the Jargon
How does it work? Should I use it? There have been some big changes at,, and recently…
Email Spam Traps and Honey Pots Explained
Definition, Prevention, and Elimination A spam trap is a special email address designed to receive spam and “trap” mailers that…