GreenArrow Email Software Documentation

Types of Events

There are multiple kinds of events in the GreenArrow system that you can access or be notified of. This document gives an overview of events that are specific to GreenArrow Studio, and how they are related.

For information on GreenArrow Engine events, see GreenArrow Engine’s Types of Events documentation.

Click and Open Tracking Events

A click or open event will be created whenever someone load images in an email message, or clicks on a link in it.

Interaction with SimpleMH

If you are using GreenArrow Engine’s SimpleMH with click and open tracking enabled, then you will also receive engine_click and engine_open events.

See GreenArrow Engine’s Types of Events documentation.

studio_click Event

Field Description Example Value
event_type The type of event that this is. This will be studio_click studio_click
listid The identifier for the mailing list that this message is a part of. 99
list_name The name of the mailing list that this message is a part of. YourCompanyName List
email The email address that this message was to. [email protected]
sendid The SendID value used in Engine for this email a1092
event_time The time that the click happened. 1317305252
click_url The URL of the link that was clicked on.
studio_mailing_list_id The Studio mailing_list_id from which this event originated. 88172
studio_subscriber_id The Studio subscriber_id associated with this event. This value will be NULL for a Remote List. 98918274
studio_campaign_id If this event originated from a Studio campaign, then this column will contain the Campaign ID. 91827
studio_autoresponder_id If this event originated from a Studio autoresponder, then this column will contain the Autoresponder ID. 8172931
studio_is_unique This column will indicate if it was a unique event. TRUE
studio_ip The IP address from which this event occurred.
studio_rl_seq_id Remote Lists: If this event originated from a campaign to a Remote List, this is the sequence id of this recipient in the campaign, starting with 1 for the first recipient. If not a Remote List, then this is NULL. 9000
studio_rl_distinct_id Remote Lists: If this event originated from a campaign to a Remote List, then is the value of the distinct_id column returned by the remote database, if provided. If not provided by the remote database, this is NULL. If not a Remote List, then this is NULL. 10293
user_agent The user agent that generated the click. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.3 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X x.y; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.4

studio_open Event

Field Description Example Value
event_type The type of event that this is. This will be studio_open studio_open
listid The identifier for the mailing list that this message is a part of. 99
list_name The name of the mailing list that this message is a part of. YourCompanyName List
email The email address that this message was to. [email protected]
sendid The SendID value used in Engine for this email a1092
event_time The time that the open happened. 1317305252
studio_mailing_list_id The Studio mailing_list_id from which this event originated. 88172
studio_subscriber_id The Studio subscriber_id associated with this event. This value will be NULL for a Remote List. 98918274
studio_campaign_id If this event originated from a Studio campaign, then this column will contain the Campaign ID. 91827
studio_autoresponder_id If this event originated from a Studio autoresponder, then this column will contain the Autoresponder ID. 8172931
studio_is_unique This column will indicate if it was a unique event. TRUE
studio_ip The IP address from which this event occurred.
studio_rl_seq_id Remote Lists: If this event originated from a campaign to a Remote List, this is the sequence id of this recipient in the campaign, starting with 1 for the first recipient. If not a Remote List, then this is NULL. 9000
studio_rl_distinct_id Remote Lists: If this event originated from a campaign to a Remote List, then is the value of the distinct_id column returned by the remote database, if provided. If not provided by the remote database, this is NULL. If not a Remote List, then this is NULL. 10293
user_agent The user agent that generated the open. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.3 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X x.y; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.4
is_privacy_open GreenArrow has determined that this open represents a Mail Privacy Protection open. true

Unsubscribe events

Unsubscribe events are created when someone clicks on a GreenArrow Studio unsubscribe link or unsubscribes via the List-Unsubscribe header. Unsubscribes that are caused by either a GreenArrow Studio API call, or importing a list of addresses with their Status set as Unsubscribed will not be recorded as studio_unsub events.

Interaction with SimpleMH

If you are using GreenArrow Engine’s SimpleMH with unsubscribe links, then you will also receive engine_unsub events.

See GreenArrow Engine’s Types of Events documentation.

studio_unsub Event

Field Description Example Value
event_type The type of event that this is. This will be studio_unsub studio_unsub
listid The identifier for the mailing list that this message is a part of. 99
list_name The name of the mailing list that this message is a part of. YourCompanyName List
email The email address that this message was to. [email protected]
sendid The SendID value used in Engine for this email a1092
event_time The time that the unsubscribe happened. 1317305252
studio_mailing_list_id The Studio mailing_list_id from which this event originated. 88172
studio_subscriber_id The Studio subscriber_id associated with this event. This value will be NULL for a Remote List. 98918274
studio_campaign_id If this event originated from a Studio campaign, then this column will contain the Campaign ID. 91827
studio_autoresponder_id If this event originated from a Studio autoresponder, then this column will contain the Autoresponder ID. 8172931
studio_is_unique This column will indicate if it was a unique event. TRUE
studio_rl_seq_id Remote Lists: If this event originated from a campaign to a Remote List, this is the sequence id of this recipient in the campaign, starting with 1 for the first recipient. If not a Remote List, then this is NULL. 9000
studio_rl_distinct_id Remote Lists: If this event originated from a campaign to a Remote List, then is the value of the distinct_id column returned by the remote database, if provided. If not provided by the remote database, this is NULL. If not a Remote List, then this is NULL. 10293

Subscriber Created or Updated Events

When a subscriber is created or updated, a studio_subscriber_created or studio_subscriber_updated event may be generated.

studio_subscriber_created Event

Field Description Example Value
event_type The type of event that this is. This will be studio_subscriber_created studio_subscriber_created
listid The identifier for the mailing list that this message is a part of. a99
studio_mailing_list_id The GreenArrow Studio ID for this mailing list. 99
list_name The name of the mailing list that this message is a part of. YourCompanyName List
studio_subscriber_id The GreenArrow Studio ID for this subscriber. 1234
email The email address of this subscriber. [email protected]
event_time The time that this event was triggered. 1317305252
json_after The subscriber data as defined by the GreenArrow Studio API. See API Documentation

studio_subscriber_updated Event

Field Description Example Value
event_type The type of event that this is. This will be studio_subscriber_updated studio_subscriber_updated
listid The identifier for the mailing list that this message is a part of. a99
studio_mailing_list_id The GreenArrow Studio ID for this mailing list. 99
list_name The name of the mailing list that this message is a part of. YourCompanyName List
studio_subscriber_id The GreenArrow Studio ID for this subscriber. 1234
email The email address of this subscriber after the update was applied. [email protected]
event_time The time that this event was triggered. 1317305252
json_before The subscriber data before the update was applied, as defined by the GreenArrow Studio API. See API Documentation
json_after The subscriber data after the update was applied, as defined by the GreenArrow Studio API. See API Documentation

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