GreenArrow Email Software Documentation

Managing Users

Basic Organizational Structure

An installation of GreenArrow Studio consists of organizations. Organizations consist of users. Users have roles defining what they are capable of doing.

System Organization and System Admins

Every GreenArrow Studio installation will have a System Organization. The System Organization may have one or more System Admins.

System Admins are users which are capable of the following:

  • Create and manage organizations
  • Set system-level options such as system global headers/footers
  • Create and manage system global suppression lists
  • Everything that an Organization Admin may do

Organization Admins

Organization Admins are the masters of their organization and are capable of the following:

  • Create and manage organization-specific suppression lists
  • Create and manage users on the organization
  • Set organization-level options for headers/footers, time zone
  • Everything that a Standard user may do

Standard Users

Standard users exist for day-to-day mailing list and campaign management. They are capable of most things that GreenArrow Studio offers, except for the items excluded above.

Creating New Users

To create new users, sign in as either a System Admin or Organization Admin user, then click the following links:

  • On any page, Admin in the top bar.
  • My Organization below that bar.
  • On your organization page, click Create a user in the Users section.

That form will allow you to create a new user in your organization.

User Settings

Default Preview Recipients

A user may specify a list of default preview recipients. These addresses will be filled into the “Recipients” field when sending preview emails.

Users may edit their default preview recipients through the “My Account” page.

Default Campaign HTML Editor

Users may select their preferred editor when creating new campaign contents. Existing campaign contents are not affected by a change of this option.

The available options include:

  • BEE - A responsive content editor with a sophisticated editing interface. This is GreenArrow’s default and recommended campaign HTML editor.
  • TinyMCE - A simple graphical content editor. Formerly GreenArrow’s only graphical editor, this option is still available for users whom prefer it.
  • Raw HTML - A basic textbox for editing raw HTML. This is an option suitable for users who wish to edit their HTML with another application and paste it into GreenArrow.

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