GreenArrow Email Software Documentation

Updating Throttle Settings in SQL

This page describes how to update GreenArrow Engine’s throttling configuration via PostgreSQL database queries.

To update throttle settings via a web interface, see the Throttling page.

To update non-throttling IP address settings via PostgreSQL queries, see the Bulk Update IP Address Settings in Database page.

Throttle Rules for IP Addresses

Each IP address can have throttle override rules. These rules take precedence over the Throttle Template that’s selected for the IP address. See the Throttling page for more details on precedence.

mr_ipaddr_perdomain Table Schema

The rules for each IP address are stored in the mr_ipaddr_perdomain table:

       Column        |       Type        |                                    Modifiers
 id                  | integer           | not null default nextval('mr_ipaddr_and_ttemplate__perdomain_id_seq'::regclass)
 mr_ipaddr_id        | integer           | not null
 domains             | character varying | not null
 maxconn             | integer           | not null
 msgperhour          | integer           | not null
 backlog             | integer           |
 as_group            | integer           | not null
 throttle_program_id | integer           |
 backlog_disk        | integer           |

You can ignore the as_group, backlog, and backlog_disk columns. Leave them set to 1, NULL, and NULL respectively unless directed by GreenArrow technical support.

Looking up Override Rules for IPs

If you know the id of the IP address’ VirtualMTA, run this query:

SELECT * FROM mr_ipaddr_perdomain WHERE mr_ipaddr_id = 1234 ORDER BY domains;

If you only know the name of the IP address’ VirtualMTA, run this query:

SELECT * FROM mr_ipaddr_perdomain WHERE mr_ipaddr_id = ( SELECT id FROM mr_ipaddr WHERE name = 'smtp1-1' ) ORDER BY domains;

Example output:

 id  | mr_ipaddr_id | domains | maxconn | msgperhour | backlog | as_group | throttle_program_id | backlog_disk
 140 |            3 | |      60 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |

Creating Override Rules

INSERT INTO mr_ipaddr_perdomain ( mr_ipaddr_id, domains, maxconn, msgperhour, as_group ) VALUES ( 1234, ',,', 10, 3000, 1 );

You can’t have the same domain name in multiple override rules. For example the second query in this sequence is no longer valid after the first query is run:

INSERT INTO mr_ipaddr_perdomain ( mr_ipaddr_id, domains, maxconn, msgperhour, as_group ) VALUES ( 1234, ',,', 10, 3000, 1 );
INSERT INTO mr_ipaddr_perdomain ( mr_ipaddr_id, domains, maxconn, msgperhour, as_group ) VALUES ( 1234, '', 10, 3000, 1 );

The second query will produce the following error:

ERROR:  unique violation for domain in mr_ipaddr_perdomain: id=(7) domain=(

Don’t worry about updating the mr_ipaddr_perdomain__domain table. It is automatically updated by triggers and used to enforce the above constraint.

Throttle Setting for Domains without Rules

For any domain that is not specified in the throttle template (mr_ttemplate_perdomain) table or in an override rule for the IP address in question (mr_ipaddr_perdomain table), the default throttle limits from the mr_ipaddr table are used (mr_ipaddr.maxconn and mr_ipaddr.msgperhour). If these values are NULL, then the default values are taken from mr_ttemplate.maxconn and mr_ttemplate.msgperhour.

Throttle Template

Throttle template rules are inherited by sending IP addresses unless a matching throttle override rule is configured.

The per-domain rules for the throttle template are stored in the mr_ttemplate_perdomain table.

mr_ttemplate_perdomain Table Schema

       Column        |       Type        |                                    Modifiers
 id                  | integer           | not null default nextval('mr_ipaddr_and_ttemplate__perdomain_id_seq'::regclass)
 mr_ttemplate_id     | integer           | not null
 domains             | character varying | not null
 maxconn             | integer           | not null
 msgperhour          | integer           | not null
 backlog             | integer           |
 as_group            | integer           | not null
 throttle_program_id | integer           |
 backlog_disk        | integer           |

The mr_ttemplate_id column is set equal to the id of the Throttle Template that the rule is applied to.

Viewing Throttle Template Rules

To view the current throttle template rules, run:

SELECT * FROM mr_ttemplate_perdomain;

Here’s some example output:

 id  | mr_ttemplate_id |            domains             | maxconn | msgperhour | backlog | as_group | throttle_program_id | backlog_disk
 121 |               1 | |    1000 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 122 |               1 |                      |     150 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 123 |               1 |                    |      40 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 124 |               1 |                        |      40 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 125 |               1 |                   |      40 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 126 |               1 |                    |      12 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 127 |               1 |                  |       5 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 128 |               1 |                     |      20 |       6000 |         |        1 |                     |
 129 |               1 |                  |      10 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 130 |               1 |                        |      15 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 131 |               1 |                        |     120 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 132 |               1 |                  |      40 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 133 |               1 |                      |      40 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 134 |               1 |                   |      40 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 135 |               1 |                  |      40 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 136 |               1 |                    |      40 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 137 |               1 |                        |      40 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 138 |               1 |                        |      40 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |
 139 |               1 |               |      40 |          0 |         |        1 |                     |

Creating Throttle Template Rules

INSERT INTO mr_ttemplate_perdomain ( mr_ttemplate_id, domains, maxconn, msgperhour, as_group ) VALUES ( 1234, ',,', 10, 3000, 1 );

You cannot create multiple entries for the same domain / Throttle Template id combination in this table.

Updating Throttle Template Rules

To update the Throttle Template Rules for to allow for up to 60 concurrent SMTP connections, run:

UPDATE mr_ttemplate_perdomain SET maxconn = 60 WHERE domains = '';

Default Settings for Domains Not Specified

The settings for any domains not specified (analogous to mr_ipaddr.maxconn and mr_ipaddr.msgperhour) are stored in the mr_ttemplate table:

   Column     |       Type        |                         Modifiers
 id           | integer           | not null default nextval('mr_ttemplate_id_seq'::regclass)
 maxconn      | integer           | not null
 msgperhour   | integer           |
 backlog      | integer           |
 name         | character varying | not null
 backlog_disk | integer           |

This table may only contain one row per Throttle Template. Only issue UPDATE queries against this table.

For example:

UPDATE mr_ttemplate SET maxconn = 20, msgperhour = 0 WHERE id = 1;

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