GreenArrow Email Software Documentation

hvmail_get_possible_spamtrap_hits Command


The hvmail_get_possible_spamtrap_hits command is used to identify potential spam trap addresses. It prints out processed logfile entries for all messages delivered from the specified IP between 60 seconds before to 120 seconds after the specified timestamp.

The default timezone is your server’s timezone as reported by the date command.

Command Syntax

hvmail_get_possible_spamtrap_hits [options] timestamp ip

This command prints out processed logfile entries for all messages delivered
from the specified IP between 60 seconds before to 120 seconds after the
specified timestamp.



    Accepts timestamps in "dd/mm/yyyy" or "" format.

    When this option is not specified, "mm/dd/yyyy" or "mm.dd.yyyy" format is expected.

  --write-to-dir path_to_dir

    Writes output to the directory given. A new file is created with
    the timestamp and the IP address.


    Print out this help message


  /var/hvmail/bin/hvmail_get_possible_spamtrap_hits --write-to-dir /tmp "4/27/2016 6:06 PM"


  If you see output like this:

  Starting = requested Sun Sep  6 13:43:00 2015
           ACTUAL==> Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
           missing 215552 seconds

  Then the requested data was not available in the log files.

Examples Invocation

Show all emails sent from between 6:05:00 PM and 6:08:00 PM April 27, 2016

/var/hvmail/bin/hvmail_get_possible_spamtrap_hits --write-to-dir /tmp "4/27/2016 6:06 PM"

Example Report

email=<[email protected]> smtp_result_time=<1461783160> smtp_result=<accepted> smtp_result_message=<> sendid=<a455992>
email=<[email protected]> smtp_result_time=<1461783222> smtp_result=<accepted> smtp_result_message=<> sendid=<a455992>

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