GreenArrow Email Software Documentation

POP3 Server

GreenArrow Engine includes a POP3 server for downloading mail from email users.

IP Addresses and Ports to Provide POP3

  • Specify the IP address to provide the POP3 service on in the /var/hvmail/control/pop3.ipaddr file. For example, to provide the POP3 service on

    echo > /var/hvmail/control/pop3.ipaddr

  • To provide the POP3 service on all IP addresses assigned to the server:

    echo 0 > /var/hvmail/control/pop3.ipaddr

  • To view the IP address that the POP3 server is currently configured to listen on:

    cat /var/hvmail/control/pop3.ipaddr

  • Specify the port to provide the POP3 service on in the /var/hvmail/control/pop3.port file. For example, to provide the POP3 service on port 110:

    echo 110 > /var/hvmail/control/pop3.port

  • To disable the POP3 server, set the port equal to 0:

    echo 0 > /var/hvmail/control/pop3.port

  • To view the port that the POP3 server is currently configured to listen on:

    cat /var/hvmail/control/pop3.port

To apply any of the above changes, run:

svc -tu /service/hvmail-qmail-pop3d

Check the service to see if it is running after making a change:

hvmail_init status | grep hvmail-qmail-pop3d

Check the logs to see if there are any errors reported for the service (to exit the log report, hit ctl-c):

tail -F /var/hvmail/log/qmail-pop3d/current | tai64nlocal

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